Industrial Inspection

Third Party Inspection and Surveillance Inspection

A function that requires a good neutral outside party possessing a high level of technical competence in various engineering disciplines such as; Civil Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumental, etc., performing inspection works and monitoring of the various activities on all stages of construction/installation to ensure strict compliance with approved construction drawings and project specifications.

An important function that shop inspection (stationary and rotary equipment), site inspection, and pre-shipment inspection on Petroleum Refineries, Petrochemical Plants, Geothermal/Fossil Fuel Fired Power Plants can be carried out satisfactorily only by trusted and experienced Inspectors whose integrity and competence are beyond doubt. The reliability and overall normal performance of inspection jobs are products of the careful selection of the Inspection Company possessing an excellent and untarnished reputation and likewise, the effective intervention of a cohesive team of inspectors.